
Declaration of Mad Swirl Open Mic and Mad Swirl Six: The Blue Note Edition Release Celebration!


This is the unanimous Declaration of Mad Swirl Open Mic and Mad Swirl Six: The Blue Note Edition Release Celebration on the 1st Wednesday of this month of July.

When in the Course of Mad Swirl events it becomes necessary for all poets, musicians, singers, storytellers, comedians, and performers to dissolve the mental and physical miles between them and gather together for the madness which will connect them with one another. And to assume among the powers of the host of this madness, the separate and equal time in front of the mic to which the Laws of Booze and of Nature's Tea entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Absinthe Lounge patrons sometimes sloppy scrutiny. Fortunately, this celebration also requires that they should declare the release of Mad Swirl Six: The Blue Note Issue, which causes us Excitation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all poets, musicians, singers, storytellers, comedians, and performers are mostly created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Poems, Songs and the pursuit of Happiness, this 1st Wednesday at Absinthe Lounge...and declare that all Men and Women have the Right to Purchase a Limited-Edition, Numbered print edition of Mad Swirl Six for $5.

For more information about Mad Swirl go to...madswirl.com

For more information about Absinthe Lounge go to...absinthelounge.net

And for your support of Mad Swirl Open Mic and Issue Six, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Mad Ones, we mutually pledge to you our Words, our Tunes and our Sacred Madness.

"So, come on iconoclasts, forward! Already the foreboding sky grows dark and silent!" - Renzo Novatore Arcola

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